The Narooma Chamber of Commerce and Tourism’s objectives are to:

  • Be the voice of Narooma businesses with government, non-government agencies and other business sectors
  • Network and support each other
  • Build a co-operative community
  • Encourage a sustainable attractive environment
  • Promote excellence in customer service at all times and develop events and facilities that will encourage visitors to the area year round
  • Attract funding and resources for all chamber projects through
    • Networking
    • Marketing and promotion
    • Mentoring and educating businesses
    • Planning business strategies
    • Creating infrastructure to assist businesses with market research and business plans
    • Development of policies re industry, tourism, infrastructure, development and the character of Narooma

Narooma Chamber Committee

Contact any of our members with any questions you might have about the Chamber or its present activities.

Stephanie Dibden



Keira Marchini



David McInnes



Laurence Babington



Laurence Babington



Ann Hegerty

Oyster Festival Liaison


Committee Members:

  • Brendan Matters
  • Annemarie Narraway
  • Luke Young
  • Ann Hegerty
  • Kelly Kenney


Membership Benefits

  • Be the voice of Narooma businesses with government, non-government
    agencies and other business sectors.
  • Provide opportunities to network through quarterly Chamber ‘Business
    Buzz’ evenings and other co-organised events.
  • Relevant guest speakers and opportunity for trade exhibit at our events.
  •  Contribute to fostering a positive & prosperous business environment
    that everyone within the community (and beyond) can benefit from.
  •  A website listing on, the Narooma region’s
    dedicated tourism and business directory.
  • Ongoing support from the Chamber – being part of a positive and proactive
    business group.
  • Regular news updates – via email. This can include information about
    community meetings, council or other government updates, Free
    events, and exchange of information between other local businesses
  • Complimentary membership of NSW Business Chamber, which includes
    the additional benefits of:
    – Unlimited business support information hotlines
    – Free access to workplace & industrial relations advice (3 calls per
    – Online access to business and management templates
    – Networking & educational events
    – A monthly e-newsletter with relevant regional information
    – Membership Directory – allows you to expand your business networks
    and promote special offers or exclusive incentives
    – Marketing advice support to help you raise your profile, develop or
    improve your marketing strategies and campaigns ect.

Membership – Associate:

If you represent a not-for-profit organisation and are interested in learning more about how our chamber can support you, we encourage you to reach out to our membership team. We offer a variety of resources and opportunities that can help strengthen your organisation’s impact and connect you with valuable community networks. Our team is here to provide detailed information on the benefits available and how you can get involved.

Email us now:

Payment Instructions

  • For EFT payment put “your name/invoice number” as the reference.
  • IMB BSB: 641 800 Account 200 962 116
  • Ensure you have completed and submitted the form above.

Full renewals will be sent on 1 March 2025.


Thank you! We look forward to having you on board.

Community Plan

Our long term plan is centred around a strong and sustainable future, supported by a progressive and supportive community. We are seeking to capitalise on our natural assets, as well as our tourism potential and create and environment encourages innovation and investment. We are able to draw on an active commercial sector, an engaged Chamber of Commerce, local government support, our volunteers and our strong community network. Our ‘big ideas’ set the scene for our longer term future. Some will take time, others provide opportunity for short term gains, renewed confidence and a chance at further development. They are set out in our 20 Year Plan. They involve infrastructure and industry development, expanding tourism opportunities, fostering creativity and artistic development as well as supporting our people, our volunteers and our emerging leaders.

Implementing our short term priorities is our first big challenge. And we’re full of optimism.

Community Plan - Final Draft

Community Initiatives

Volunteers Register

The Chamber has established a volunteers register providing event organisers (sporting, arts, cultural etc) with contacts for people willing or wanting to volunteer along with listing their skills.

If you’d like to be on the register, please download the form, fill it out and submit to

Download form