Narooma Chamber Chase
We are proud to Announce our first Winner
of a $25 gift voucher from Mister & Floss
Mister and Floss Narooma Gift & Lifestyle Store, Kids & Homewares
Lilly Needs – Shopping at SAWS (Narooma Sushi)
The codes have been reset time to find them again
with Special draws this fortnight at the Narooma Chamber Christmas Carols – see you there
The Chamber Chase – A QR based scavenger hunt where you can win prizes!
Entry is FREE for fortnightly prizes ($25 vouchers) with a quarterly cash prize ($500).
QR codes hidden in shops from Bodalla through Dalmeny/Narooma to Tilba:
- Find them
- Scan them
- Get the shop code….and you are in for a prize!
There are four to find each fortnight.
You can only enter each QR code once each fortnight
But your entries accumulate for the quarterly prize.